2022 Fathom the Mind. Heal the World. Fall Retreat Registration Information for Local Attendance - DID NOT USE

Thank you for completeing this registration form in order to attend the 2022 "Fathom the Mind. Heal the World." in-person retreat with Lama Alan Wallace, Dr. Eva Natanya & Dr. Anuradha Choudry to be held October 1-7, 2022 at Blazing Mountain Retreat Center in Crestone, CO.

Please apply promptly since we will limit in-person attendance to maintain safety protocols for everyone who attends. We will reserve a percentage of seats for locals from Crestone until August 28, of course you can still register after that if there are available seats.

Home Address(Required)

A Covid vaccination and booster are required

Upload a copy of your official vaccination card
Max. file size: 64 MB.
We ask that everyone observe extreme caution at least 7 days prior to the retreat. Are you willing to follow all precautions including social distancing wherever possible and wearing a mask indoors at all times when out in Crestone or elsewhere?(Required)
Are you willing to continue wearing a mask in all indoor spaces at Blazing Mountain, as well as while interacting with others during the retreat? If this is a problem for you please register for the Virtual Retreat.(Required)
Will you be attending the retreat with a partner or other family member who has been in your safety pod?(Required)
Volunteer Opportunity
During the retreat would you be willing to volunteer for a few hours?
What aspect of the retreat content is most interesting to you?"

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name(Required)
Emergency Contact Address(Required)
We will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience. If you have any questions please comment below:
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