Humankind is now facing unprecedented crises that imperil the entire ecosphere, including human civilization itself. To a great extent, these problems stem from the industrial revolution that began 150 years ago and the gradual domination of global culture by materialism as a worldview, hedonism as a prime value, and consumerism as a way of life.

In response to the catastrophic loss of meaning and degradation of our environment that has ensued from this triad, Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies supports Lama Alan Wallace’s Buddhadharma activities.
The Institute focuses on two core themes: (1) the collaboration between Buddhism and science with the aspiration to help bring about the first true revolution in the mind sciences, and (2) catalyzing a revival of contemplative inquiry among the world’s religions to reveal the true causes of genuine well-being so that we may heal the world and help humanity evolve to the next stage of our spiritual evolution.

With the support of forward-thinking scientists, colleagues, friends, and thousands of students of Dr. Alan Wallace, SBI collaboratively explores key paradigms that, if shifted, could help address overwhelming challenges facing humanity.
“One of the most persistent of all delusions is the conviction that the source of our dissatisfaction lies outside ourselves.”
– B. Alan Wallace

The Center for Contemplative Research provides ideal conditions for dedicated contemplatives, scientists, and philosophers to fathom consciousness and re-envision global flourishing.
The Center for Contemplative Research (CCR) in Europe is currently under development near the town of Castellina Marittima in Tuscany, Italy.
The Centre for Contemplative Research Aotearoa (CCRA) in New Zealand is currently under development in Matiri Valley, Tasman.
Cultivating Emotional Balance (CEB) is an educational training committed to utilizing the experience of emotion as a path for developing the happiness of being for ourselves and in relationship to others.