Crestone Retreat Application for In-Person Attendance

Application for those wanting to attend Crestone in-person retreat

Home Address(Required)
Address traveling from, if it is different from home address
How will you travel to Crestone?(Required)

A Covid vaccination is required

Upload a copy of your official vaccination card
Max. file size: 64 MB.
We ask that everyone observe extreme caution while traveling. Are you willing to follow all precautions while traveling to Crestone including social distancing wherever possible and continuing to wear a mask indoors at all times?(Required)
Will you be traveling and attending the retreat with a partner or other family member who has been in your safety pod?(Required)
This will allow us to plan for you to sit next to each other in the chapel rather than social distanced.

Emergency Contact Information

Emergency Contact Name(Required)
Emergency Contact Address(Required)
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.