Extracting the Vital Essence of Accomplishment: Concise and Clear Advice for Practice in a Mountain Retreat – June 2022


Extracting the Vital Essence of Accomplishment: Concise and Clear Advice for Practice in a Mountain Retreat by
twentieth-century Nyingma master, Düdjom Rinpoché, Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé.

Lama Alan Wallace presents and comments on pith instructions of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. Providing guidance on retreat, this course is based on the text Extracting the Vital Essence of Accomplishment: Concise and Clear Advice for Practice in a Mountain Retreat by twentieth-century Nyingma master, Düdjom Rinpoché, Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé.

Lama Alan translates and explores the short, powerful text on retreat in terms of the preliminaries, main practices, and post-meditative practices of the Great Perfection path.

This retreat consists of 10 one-hour lectures, each with a 30-minute guided meditation.

To allow time for contemplation and practice, starting on June 3 you will receive a new teaching weekly for ten weeks. Each session will include a one-hour lecture and a 30-minute guided meditation.

This will be a Virtual Retreat with Audio stream/download.

We are offering multiple pricing options as you will see below when you select Choose An Option.

Please see the description below for additional information.

Si prega di vedere sotto per informazioni in italiano.


Extracting the Vital Essence of Accomplishment: Concise and Clear Advice for Practice in a Mountain Retreat

by twentieth-century Nyingma master, Düdjom Rinpoché, Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé.

Lama Alan Wallace presents and comments on pith instructions of Dzogchen, the Great Perfection. Providing guidance on retreat, this course is based on the text Extracting the Vital Essence of Accomplishment: Concise and Clear Advice for Practice in a Mountain Retreat by twentieth-century Nyingma master, Düdjom Rinpoché, Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé. Considered by many to be amongst the greatest tertöns of our time, Düdjom Rinpoché was holder of all the teachings and the first supreme head of the Nyingma school of Tibetan Buddhism.

Lama Alan translates and explores the short, powerful text on retreat in terms of the preliminaries, main practices, and post-meditative practices of the Great Perfection path. Dzogchen, also known as Great Perfection, Great Completion, and Utmost Yoga (Atiyoga), traditionally focuses on awakening and maintaining knowledge (rigpa) of the ultimate, primordial ground of existence.

This retreat consists of 10 one-hour lectures, each with a 30-minute guided meditation.

To allow time for contemplation and practice, starting on June 3 you will receive a new teaching weekly for ten weeks. Each session will include a one-hour lecture and a 30-minute guided meditation.

This will be a Virtual Retreat with Audio stream/download.

Monastics are welcome to submit a scholarship application


Estrarre l’essenza vitale della realizzazione: consigli concisi e chiari per la pratica in un rifugio di montagna – luglio 2022 – con traduzione simultanea in lingua italiana

Lama Alan Wallace presenta e commenta le istruzioni dello Dzogchen, la Grande Perfezione. Questo corso si basa sul testo Estrarre l’essenza vitale della realizzazione: consigli concisi e chiari per la pratica in un rifugio di montagna del Maestro Nyingma del XX secolo, Düdjom Rinpoché, Jigdral Yeshé Dorjé.

Lama Alan traduce ed esplora il breve e potente testo sul ritiro in termini di preliminari, pratiche principali e pratiche post-meditative del sentiero della Grande Perfezione.

Questo ritiro consiste in 10 lezioni di un’ora, ognuna con una meditazione guidata di 30 minuti. Per consentire il tempo per la contemplazione e la pratica, a partire dal 4 luglio si riceverà un nuovo insegnamento settimanale per dieci settimane.

Ogni sessione includerà una lezione di un’ora e una meditazione guidata di 30 minuti, con traduzione simultanea in italiano. Questo sarà un ritiro virtuale con streaming/download audio.

Stiamo offrendo più opzioni di prezzo, come si vedrà di seguito quando si seleziona “Scegli un’opzione”.

(I monaci e le monache sono invitati a presentare una domanda di borsa di studio.)

Se siete interessati ad approfondire questi insegnamenti di Dudjom Rinpoche, vi consigliamo questi due libri:
Wallace, B.A. (2017). Śamatha. Insegnamenti tratti da “L’essenza vajra” di Düdjom Lingpa. Roma, Ubaldini Editore. Samatha. Insegnamenti tratti da «L’essenza vajra» di Düdjom Lingpa : Wallace, B. Alan, Li Calzi, Claudio: Libri – Amazon.it

Additional information

Price Options / Opzioni di prezzo

Benefactor / Benefattore $450, Regular Price / Prezzo Normale $235, Scholarship Discount / Sconto borse di studio $108

Audio language / Scegli la lingua dell'audio

English Audio, Audio Italiano


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