• The 19th-century classic Dzogchen treatise, The Vajra Essence, by the eminent master Dudjom Lingpa concludes with a concise lucid account of the Six Bardos, namely the Bardos of Living, Dreaming, Meditative Stabilization, Dying, Reality-itself, and Becoming. The teachings on these Bardos show how each of these trasitional phases of cyclic existence can provide a platform for achieving enlightenment, particularly by way of the practices of shamatha, Vipashyana, and Dzogchen. During this retreat, B. Alan Wallace offers an explanation of Dujom Lingpas teachings, together with guided meditations for putting them into practice. All seven days of this retreat are reproduced in full in this two CD set, conveniently divided into teachings, meditations, and discussions. PDF files on the first disk include explanatory notes on the audio files, retreat handouts, and other pertinent information. This audio MP3 CD set chronicles the seven-day retreat held at Santa Barbara's historical Old Mission. Recorded March 21-28,2010. MP3 CDs suitable for use in computers and MP3 players.
  • The Four Noble Truths from the Perspective of Shravakayana, Mahayana and Dzogchen Nov 10-17, 2013 The Four Noble Truths comprise the basis and fundamental structure of all the Buddha’s teachings. More accurately translated as the “four realities for aryas” (those who have gained direct realization of nirvana), these are the four topics the Buddha taught when he first turned the Wheel of Dharma to his five close disciples in Sarnath, shortly after his enlightenment. During this week-long retreat, Lama Alan Wallace explains how these four realities are understood from the perspective of the Shravakayana, the Mahayana and the Vajrayana, or Buddhist tantra, culminating in the Great Perfection, or Dzogchen. Please read below for additional information and for the scholarship application. The retreat is available with streaming audio recordings, streaming video recordings or as a DVD.
  • During this retreat, Lama Alan Wallace introduces the theory and practice of three methods of developing meditative quiescence or shamatha. He begins with the practice of mindfulness of breathing as taught in the Theravada tradition, which is especially effective for soothing the body and calming the discursive mind. He then explores an approach to shamatha that is particularly pertinent for Dzogchen practice, called "settling the mind in its natural state," as taught by the 19th century Dzogchen master Lerab Lingpa in his commentary to the "Heart Essence of Vimalamitra." Finally, he engages the practices of "shamatha without a sign" as taught by Padmasambhava in his classic treatise Natural Liberation. Although this subtle practice is taught explicitly as a means of achieving shamatha, Padmasambhava comments that it may even result in a realization of rigpa, or pristine awareness. The achievement of shamatha is widely regarded in the Buddhist tradition as an indispensable foundation for the cultivation of contemplative insight (vipashyana). The retreat consists of lectures, guided meditations and discussions. The retreat was recorded in January 2010, in Santa Barbara, CA and is available via DVD, Audio or Video Recordings.
  • Mahamudra Shamatha Teachings with Drupön Lama Karma - Five-Month Meditation Program This series of teachings is the continuation of the three-month shamatha program with Drupön Rinpoche that had been offered from November 2023 - February 2024, you can read more about this series here. You do not need to have followed the prior teachings, but it is recommended. There will be weekly online sessions on Fridays at 7:00 PM (Pacific Daylight Time) starting on March 22nd until August 23rd, 2024. For those who cannot attend live, we will be providing access to recordings, which will be commercial free. The teachings will be given in Tibetan language with English translation. The recordings will also have closed captioning (CC) in Spanish and Portuguese. Please read below for more information about the retreat. You can read more about Lama Karma here. The cost for the program is on a sliding scale of 200 to 400 USD based on each participant’s financial situation. Should anyone be unable to afford the fee please email us at: karmajnana108@gmail.com explaining your situation. If you wish to sign up for the teachings, please click below. After making the payment, please look for the REGISTRATION LINK IN THE CONFIRMATION PAGE. In case you miss it, please email us so we can send you the link via email.

    Link to register

  • Mahamudra Shamatha Teachings with Drubpon Lama Karma

    If you register for this teaching, you will be transferred to a separate website, and there will be a registration fee, which is on a sliding scale of $100 to $200. Drubpon Lama Karma provides detailed instructions on the practice of Shamatha from the Mahamudra perspective, based on his own experience from years of meditation retreats. These teachings began on November 3, 2023 and continued on a weekly basis for three months. The teachings are available in both audio and video recordings. The teachings are in Tibetan language with English translation. The videos of these teachings are in the process of being updated on YouTube with Spanish and Portuguese closed captions (CC). The first few sessions are now available. You can watch the first session of this series of Shamatha teachings here on YouTube. You can read more about Lama Karma and these teachings here. If you would like to register for three months of teachings and detailed instruction, click here. These links will take you away from the SBI website. Please read below for additional information.


    For questions email: karmajnana108@gmail.com
  • A Contemplative Science of Mental Balance Recorded February 2-9, 2014 in Santa Barbara, CA

    On the basis of an ethical way of life, mental balance is the key to achieving genuine happiness and to following the path to spiritual liberation and awakening. Genuine happiness, in contrast to hedonic pleasure, is a sense of well-being that arises from within, without dependence upon pleasant stimuli. The retreat is available via audio recording, video recording and DVD.
  • A Contemplative Science of Consciousness - November 2014 - Recorded November 9-16, 2014 in Santa Barbara, CA Modern science has discovered many important facts about the mind by studying it indirectly through the examination of the neural correlates and behavioral expressions of mental processes. The retreat is available via audio recording, video recording and DVD.
  • The retreat was specifically designed for clinical psychologists, researchers, and other mental healthcare professionals interested in learning how various Buddhist contemplative practices can help to alleviate mental problems and enhance mental health and balance.

      DVD VIDEO SET: This nine-disc DVD Video or MP3 Audio CD set, chronicles the seven-day seminar retreat held at Santa Barbara's historic Old Mission in February 2008. MP3 AUDIO CD SET: This five-disc MP3CD set chronicles the seven-day seminar retreat held at Santa Barbara’s historic Old Mission in February 2008. The retreat was specifically designed for clinical psychologists, researchers, and other mental healthcare professionals interested in learning how various Buddhist contemplative practices can help to alleviate mental problems and enhance mental health and balance. Please select either the DVD video 9-disc set or the MP3 audio CDs.  Your discs will be shipped by US Postal Service or Fedex
  • This MP3 set chronicles the seven-day The Way of Shamatha retreat held at Santa Barbara's historic Old Mission in April 2008.
  • The one-disc MP3 chronicales the weekend retreat held in September 2010 at Santa Barbara's historical Old Mission. The Heart Sutra is perhaps the most popular text in the Buddhist world. Known both for its profundity and brevity, this work quickly made its way from India to China, Japan, Korea and Tibet. It is recited daily in an array of languages around the world. The principle theme of the Heart Sutra is "sunyata" or emptiness. This retreat, led by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, focuses on the study and practices that emerge from this profound discourse on sunyata delivered by the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara to Venerable Shariputra at Vulture Peak. What insights rise from this text? How can this text help us to transform our minds and hearts, recognize our potential for enlightenment, and help us liberate ourselves from samsara? In this retreat, goddess Prajnaparamita beckons us to engage on these reflections. The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi is the founding director of The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has a graduate degree in Comparative Philosophy of Religion from Harvard University and is an Integral Honors Scholar in Philosophy and Science. At the age of ten, he entered a Buddhist Monastery in Rajgir and was subsequently ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who is his spiritual Mentor. Venerable Tenzin lectures internationally and is also President of The Prajnopaya Foundation, a worldwide humanitarian organization. For more information on him and his work, vist www.iMonk.org.
  • In this weekend retreat held in Santa Barbara, California, B. Alan Wallace, Ph.D. explores methods of cultivating genuine happiness. The retreat consists of meditation, lecture, and discussion periods focusing on the themes found in Wallace's book "Genuine Happiness." These include methods for cultivating attentional stability and vividness, contemplative insight, and the Four Immeasurables of loving kindness, equanimity, compassion and sympathetic joy. The teachings are designed to help us integrate practice into our everyday life in the world through mind training. The downloadable MP3 audio files, and the four-disc DVD video set, chronicles the weekend retreat "The Cultivation of Genuine Happiness Meditation as the Path to Fulfillment" held at Santa Barbara's historical Old Mission July 24-26, 2009.

    Please select either the DVD video collection, or the download MP3 audio files and PDF.

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