2016 8-Week Retreat – Audio Stream & Supporting Media


A Meditation Retreat on Shamatha, Vipashyana, Mahamudra, and Dzogchen

B. Alan Wallace
29 Mar 2016 – 24 May 2016
Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, Italy

Spring 8-Week retreat on Shamatha, Vipashyana, and Mahamudra, based upon two texts: Panchen Lozang Chökyi Gyaltsen’s Highway of the Jinas: A Root Text on the Precious Geluk-Kagyü Mahamudra Tradition, and Karma Chagmé’s Naked Awareness: Practical Teachings on the Union.

Prerequisite Requirements to Purchase Program

To register for this retreat you should be familiar with the foundational teachings and practices of shamatha, the four applications of mindfulness, and the four immeasurables.

See below for list of teachings.

Please read full details below in Description.


A Meditation Retreat on Shamatha, Vipashyana, Mahamudra, and Dzogchen

B. Alan Wallace
29 Mar 2016 – 24 May 2016
Lama Tzong Khapa Institute, Italy

Spring 8-Week retreat on Shamatha, Vipashyana, and Mahamudra, based upon two texts: Panchen Lozang Chökyi Gyaltsen’s Highway of the Jinas: A Root Text on the Precious Geluk-Kagyü Mahamudra Tradition, and Karma Chagmé’s Naked Awareness: Practical Teachings on the Union.

During this year’s 8-week retreat Alan will grant the oral transmission and commentary to the teachings on the root text The Highway of the Jinas: A Root Text on the Precious Geluk-Kagyü Mahamudra Tradition and its auto-commentary by Panchen Lozang Chökyi Gyaltsen, tutor to the Fifth Dalai Lama. In addition, Alan shall grant the oral transmission and commentary to selected chapters from Naked Awareness: Practical Teachings on the Union of Mahāmudrā and Dzogchen by the great 17th-century master Karma Chagmé.

Participants in this retreat should have a sound understanding of the Sutrayana teachings of Mahayana Buddhism, and have experience in the practices of shamatha, the four applications of mindfulness, and the four immeasurables.

Such understanding and experience can be acquired by listening to, studying, and practicing any one of the following sets of teachings:

The following eight-week retreats:

Alternatively, applicants may listen to the following recordings of week-long retreats sponsored and available from the Santa Barbara Institute for Consciousness Studies 

It is essential to learn the ethical training corresponding to each level of Buddhist practice: shravakayana, bodhisattvayana, and vajrayana. An excellent explanation of these different dimensions of Buddhist ethics can be found in: Perfect Conduct: Ascertaining the Three Vows, by Pema Wangyi Gyalpo (Author), Gyurme Samdrub (Translator), Sangye Khandro (Translator).
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