DVD Videos & Streaming Video
The Four Noble Truths from the Perspective of Shravakayana, Mahayana and Dzogchen Nov 10-17, 2013 The Four Noble Truths comprise the basis and fundamental structure of all the Buddha’s teachings. More accurately translated as the “four realities for aryas” (those who have gained direct realization of nirvana), these are the four topics the Buddha taught when he first turned the Wheel of Dharma to his five close disciples in Sarnath, shortly after his enlightenment. During this week-long retreat, Lama Alan Wallace explains how these four realities are understood from the perspective of the Shravakayana, the Mahayana and the Vajrayana, or Buddhist tantra, culminating in the Great Perfection, or Dzogchen. Please read below for additional information and for the scholarship application. The retreat is available with streaming audio recordings, streaming video recordings or as a DVD.
Mahamudra Shamatha Teachings with Drubpon Lama Karma
November 2023, Part 1, Three-Month Series
Drubpon Lama Karma provides detailed instructions on the practice of Shamatha from the Mahamudra perspective, based on his own experience from years of meditation retreats. These teachings began on November 3, 2023 and continued on a weekly basis for three months. The teachings are available in both audio and video recordings. The teachings are in Tibetan language with English translation. The videos of these teachings are in the process of being updated on YouTube with Spanish and Portuguese closed captions (CC). The first few sessions are now available. You can watch the first session of this series of Shamatha teachings free on YouTube. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mK10qdh4j2I You can read more about Lama Karma and these teachings by clicking here. If you need a scholarship for this series, please email: karmajnana108@gmail.com -
A Contemplative Science of Mental Balance Recorded February 2-9, 2014 in Santa Barbara, CA
On the basis of an ethical way of life, mental balance is the key to achieving genuine happiness and to following the path to spiritual liberation and awakening. Genuine happiness, in contrast to hedonic pleasure, is a sense of well-being that arises from within, without dependence upon pleasant stimuli. The retreat is available via audio recording, video recording and DVD. -
A Contemplative Science of Consciousness - November 2014 - Recorded November 9-16, 2014 in Santa Barbara, CA Modern science has discovered many important facts about the mind by studying it indirectly through the examination of the neural correlates and behavioral expressions of mental processes. The retreat is available via audio recording, video recording and DVD.
A meditation retreat on the second half of Düdjom Lingpa's, The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers. Dzogchen, or the "Great Perfection," is regarded by many as the pinnacle of Buddhist teachings, for it presents the most direct path to realizing our true nature and to unveiling the deepest dimensions of consciousness. This retreat consists of lectures, guided meditations and discussions, and is intended for participants with a sound understanding and practice of the foundational Buddhist teachings of the Four Noble Truths, Bodhicitta, and the Six Perfections. This retreat was recorded in Santa Barbara, April 12-17, 2015. Please read more below about the retreat. This is offered via audio stream/download, video stream or DVD.
A meditation retreat on the first half of Düdjom Lingpa's, The Foolish Dharma of an Idiot Clothed in Mud and Feathers. Dzogchen, or the "Great Perfection," is regarded by many as the pinnacle of Buddhist teachings, for it presents the most direct path to realizing our true nature and to unveiling the deepest dimensions of consciousness. This retreat consists of lectures, guided meditations and discussions, and is intended for participants with a sound understanding and practice of the foundational Buddhist teachings of the Four Noble Truths, Bodhicitta, and the Six Perfections. This retreat was recorded in Santa Barbara, May 11-18, 2014. Please read more below about the retreat. This is offered via audio stream/download, video stream or DVD.
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has often commented that the essence of spiritual practice is cultivating a good heart. As important as meditative quiescence and insight meditation are within the Buddhist tradition, it is crucial to balance such practices with the cultivation of altruism. In this meditation seminar, Alan Wallace teaches a sequence of meditations for the cultivation of the “Four Immeasurables,” namely loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and impartiality. These are followed by teachings and practice of Buddhist Mind-Training, or “Lojong.” While many teachings on Buddhist meditation fill us with a longing to spend more time in quiet, solitary meditation, the practices presented here brings us back to life, to the active world of living with others. This seminar consists of teachings, guided meditations and discussions, but the emphasis is on meditation. Regardless of whether we hold to any religious beliefs, these practices can be of benefit to everyone seeking to explore their own capacity to experience unconditional love and compassion. This audio stream/DVD chronicles the seven-day retreat recorded July 19-26, 2008 at the Old Mission in Santa Barbara, CA and includes teachings, guided meditations, and discussions. Please select your preferred media type, audio stream, or DVD disks.
The retreat was specifically designed for clinical psychologists, researchers, and other mental healthcare professionals interested in learning how various Buddhist contemplative practices can help to alleviate mental problems and enhance mental health and balance.
DVD VIDEO SET: This nine-disc DVD Video or MP3 Audio CD set, chronicles the seven-day seminar retreat held at Santa Barbara's historic Old Mission in February 2008. MP3 AUDIO CD SET: This five-disc MP3CD set chronicles the seven-day seminar retreat held at Santa Barbara’s historic Old Mission in February 2008. The retreat was specifically designed for clinical psychologists, researchers, and other mental healthcare professionals interested in learning how various Buddhist contemplative practices can help to alleviate mental problems and enhance mental health and balance. Please select either the DVD video 9-disc set or the MP3 audio CDs. Your discs will be shipped by US Postal Service or Fedex -
With the many demands on our time in today’s world, it is all too easy to continue our spiritual practice to brief periods of meditation each day, supplemented by occasional teachings and retreats. But it is difficult for such intermittent dedication to Dharma, interrupted by long periods of mundane activities and concerns, to bring about deep and lasting transformation in our minds and way of life. In his classic text “Transforming Felicity and Adversity into the Spiritual Path” the 19th century Dzogchen master Dodrupchen Tenpey Nyima provides practical instruction for transmuting all of life’s ups and downs into nourishment on the path to enlightenment. During this retreat, Lama Alan Wallace offers an explanation of these teachings, together with guided meditations for putting them into practice.This online meditation retreat had simultaneous translation into Spanish and Portuguese. After you place your order you will receive an email with a link to the teachings. The audio stream was recorded on July 25-26, 2020Audio Download $108Video Stream - $148Both Audio Download and Video Stream - $220Recordings are available in three languages, English, Spanish and Portuguese, please select the language you want to download.
Drubpon Lama Karma held three online teachings on the Four Immeasurables (recorded Oct. 24 and Nov. 21), and Practical Advice from The Ocean of Enlightened Activities to Benefit Beings by Karma Chagme (recorded Nov. 21 and Dec. 19, 2020). The teachings were translated by Khenpo Sonam into English.
This retreat is available for video streaming and audio download - select your option below.
Retreat on Atiśa’s Pith Instructions on Theory and PracticeLama Alan Wallace offers commentaries on Three Texts by Atiśa:Guide to the Two RealitiesPith Instructions on a Single MindfulnessThe Mahāmudrā Granted by the Noble Lord to GönpawaFor additional information please read below.Translations available into Portuguese and SpanishPlease select your media option and language option.
During this week-long retreat Lama Alan Wallace granted the oral transmission and commentary to the teachings on the root text of The Highway of the Jinas: A Root Text on the Precious Geluk-Kagyü Mahamudra Tradition and its auto-commentary by Panchen Lozang Chökyi Gyaltsen, tutor to the Fifth Dalai Lama. In addition, Lama Alan Wallace comments on excerpts from A Spacious Path to Freedom: Practical Instructions on the Union of Mahāmudrā and Atiyoga by the great 17th-century master Karma Chagmé. Recorded January 28- February 4, 2020 at Camp Ramah, Ojai, California 2020 Available via audio recording, video recording, or DVD.
"Probing the Ultimate Nature of Reality" is available as a DVD set, or digital download MP3 audio stream files. Both options include PDF files, retreat handouts, and other pertinent information. DVD SET: This nine-disc DVD set chronicles the seven-day retreat “Probing the Ultimate Nature of Reality: A Vipashyana Retreat in the Great Perfection Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, presented on the basis of Dudjom Lingpa’s Mind Treasure, The Vajra Essence” in Santa Barbara, California from September 2009. MP3 AUDIO DOWNLOAD: All seven days of this retreat are available by MP3 audio stream and conveniently divided into teachings, meditations, and discussions. PDF files include explanatory notes on the audio files, retreat handouts, and other pertinent information. Pre-requisites: Part I “Exploring the Depths of the Psyche: A Shamatha Retreat in the Great Perfection Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism", presented on the basis of Dudjom Lingpa’s Mind Treasure, The Vajra Essence” in Santa Barbara, California from June 21 – 28, 2009. Please select either the 9-DVD set (sent via Priority Mail) or the digital MP3 audio download files (you will receive a download link).
Buddhahood Without Meditation is the most renowned of the five principal Dzogchen texts revealed by the 19th century Mahasiddha Düdjom Lingpa, and it is unique in that it consists of an anthology of teachings he received by way of pure visions of many of the greatest India and Tibetan Buddhist adepts and other enlightened beingsBuddhahood Without Meditation Part 1, held in Jan. 2017 is a prerequisite to this retreat.This retreat consists of lectures, guided meditations, and question-and-answer sessions, and is intended for participants with a sound understanding and practice of the foundational Buddhist teachings of the Four Noble Truths, Bodhicitta, and the Six Perfections.See below for additional information.This is offered via audio stream/download, video stream or DVD. A 6 day meditation retreat recorded in Santa Barbara, CA from Jan 7-12, 2018.
Buddhahood Without Meditation is the most renowned of the five principal Dzogchen texts revealed by the 19th century Mahasiddha Düdjom Lingpa, and it is unique in that it consists of an anthology of teachings he received by way of pure visions of many of the greatest Indian and Tibetan Buddhist adepts and other enlightened beings.This retreat consists of lectures, guided meditations, and question-and-answer sessions, and is intended for participants with a sound understanding and practice of the foundational Buddhist teachings of the Four Noble Truths, Bodhicitta, and the Six Perfections.See below for additional information. This is offered via audio stream/download, video stream or DVD.This 6 day meditation retreat was recorded in Santa Barbara, CA January 8-13, 2017
In this lecture, Dr. Alan Wallace will explore the benefits that emerge from cultivating an open mind and from taking a radically empirical approach to the study of consciousness, in the spirit of Galileo toward physics, Lavoisier toward chemistry, and Darwin toward biology. We may be on the brink of a true revolution in mind sciences. Recorded on March 9th, 2018 in Santa Barbara, California at the Unity Church. (DVD recording)
Out of stockThis nine-disc DVD set chronicles the seven-day The Way of Shamatha retreat held at Santa Barbara's historic Old Mission in April 2008.
A central message of the Buddha’s teachings is that the mind is purified of its afflictions through the integrated cultivation of meditative quiescence (shamatha) and contemplative insight (vipashyana). The four applications of mindfulness—of the body, feelings, mental states, and mental objects—comprise the foundation of Buddhist insight practice. As we investigate the nature of these features of our existence in this seminar, we will probe the nature of human identity and the possibility of freedom from suffering and its inner causes. This audio stream and DVD chronicles the seven-day Four Applications of Mindfulness retreat held at Santa Barbara’s historic Old Mission in May 2008.
The seven-day retreat “Exploring the Depths of the Psyche: A Shamatha Retreat in the Great Perfection Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism, presented on the basis of Dudjom Lingpa’s Mind Treasure, The Vajra Essence” in Santa Barbara, California from June 21 – 28, 2009, Available on DVD (9-disc set) or Audio Stream MP3 download. The Vajra Essence by Dudjom Lingpa is a classic, 19th century meditation manual in the Great Perfection (Dzogchen) tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Covering all stages of meditative practice up to the achievement of spiritual awakening, it begins with an extraordinary presentation of the shamatha practice of "settling the mind in its natural state." In this week long retreat, B. Alan Wallace offers an oral commentary the shamatha section of The Vajra Essence, which he received from his teacher, the Ven. Gyatrul Rinpoche, who authorized him to teach this portion of the text to general audiences. The retreat will also consist of meditation sessions and periods of discussion. Although this practice is presented in the context of Tibetan Buddhism, it is strongly resonant with Zen and Vipassana meditations, so it may be inviting and enriching to Buddhists of all traditions, as well anyone else who is interested to explore the depths of their own mind, and consciousness. All seven days of this retreat are reproduced here in full, conveniently divided into teachings, meditations, and discussions. PDF files are included on the first DVD disk and include explanatory notes on the audio files, retreat handouts, and other pertinent information. The audio stream download files include MP3 files and PDF notes. Please select either the 9-DVD set (sent via Priority Mail) or the digital MP3 audio download files (you will receive a download link).
This nine-disc DVD set chronicles the seven-day Meditation Seminar for Neuroscientists & Mental Healthcare Professionals recorded March 22 - 29, 2009 at the Old Mission in Santa Barbara, CA. In this workshop, Alan Wallace instructs participants in the cultivation of executive attention and metacognitive skills and gives detailed instructions on the four applications of mindfulness, centering on careful examination of the body, feelings, mental states and processes, and the interactions among mental and physical phenomena. This retreat is equally relevant to academic psychologists, neuroscientists and mental healthcare professionals, as well as those who seek to understand and heal the mind.
According to Mahayana Buddhism, the deepest dimension of consciousness is known as Buddha-nature, or primordial consciousness. Although it transcends space and time, as well as all conceptual frameworks including that of existence and non- existence, it can, nevertheless, be known with direct, nondual awareness. The root of all suffering is twofold: (1) grasping onto that which is not "I" or "mine" as being "I" or "mine," and (2) failing to realize who we really are. The Buddha-nature is our deepest nature, primordially pure and luminous. In this meditation seminar, B. Alan Wallace places the teachings on Buddha-nature within the context of Buddhism as a whole, including the "Three Turnings of the Wheel of Dharma." The differences between the Buddha-nature and other meditative experiences, such as the substrate consciousness (alayavigñana), are carefully examined. The combination of meditations, teachings, and discussion sessions creates a powerful experience that will help to awaken your own Buddha-nature. Recorded in November 2008 at the Old Mission Renewal Center, Santa Barbara.
During this week-long retreat, Alan Wallace teaches insight meditation drawn from the Dzogchen tradition of Tibetan Buddhism which probes the nature of the mind. He discusses the relation between lucid dreaming and dream yoga, including areas of complementarity and divergence. In addition, throughout the week, retreatants are taught how to engage in the daytime and nighttime practices of dream yoga. Guided meditations and groups discussions are included as well as teaching by Alan Wallace. Modern scientific research into lucid dreaming draws a sharp distinction between the waking state and dreaming, and it has developed practical methods for inducing lucidity, namely, recognizing that we are dreaming while we are dreaming. The common theories and practices of lucid dreaming do not deeply challenge our conventional assumptions regarding the nature of waking reality, but rather help us to become more mindfully engaged with daytime experience, and can be remarkably effective in helping us to start having lucid dreams. These practices include keeping a dream journal, recognizing recurrent "dream signs," conducting "state checks" throughout the day to confirm whether we are awake or dreaming, and cultivating "prospective memory," that is, remembering to do things in the future. The ancient Buddhist contemplative tradition of dream yoga emphasizes the deep similarities between the waking state and dreaming, while also acknowledging significant differences. Dream yoga begins with the recognition that we are dreaming while in the dream state, which is common to the modern discipline of lucid dreaming. But after recognizing the dream for what it is, dream yoga shows how to explore the nature of dream reality by transforming the contents of the dream. Latter stages of this practice leads to a fearlessness in the dream state and the experiential exploration of the "substrate consciousness," out of which all dreams emerge. The ultimate aim of dream yoga is to fully awaken to the nature of experienced reality as a Buddha, an "Awakened One." During this retreat, Alan Wallace discusses the relation between lucid dreaming and dream yoga, their areas of complementarity and divergence, and daytime vs. nighttime practices of dream yoga. Please select the media type you would like to receive: DVD video discs, or downloadable MP3 audio files and PDFs.
During this retreat, Lama Alan Wallace introduces the theory and practice of three methods of developing meditative quiescence or shamatha. He begins with the practice of mindfulness of breathing as taught in the Theravada tradition, which is especially effective for soothing the body and calming the discursive mind. He then explores an approach to shamatha that is particularly pertinent for Dzogchen practice, called "settling the mind in its natural state," as taught by the 19th century Dzogchen master Lerab Lingpa in his commentary to the "Heart Essence of Vimalamitra." Finally, he engages the practices of "shamatha without a sign" as taught by Padmasambhava in his classic treatise Natural Liberation. Although this subtle practice is taught explicitly as a means of achieving shamatha, Padmasambhava comments that it may even result in a realization of rigpa, or pristine awareness. The achievement of shamatha is widely regarded in the Buddhist tradition as an indispensable foundation for the cultivation of contemplative insight (vipashyana). The retreat consists of lectures, guided meditations and discussions. The retreat was recorded in January 2010, in Santa Barbara, CA and is available via DVD, Audio or Video Recordings.
The Seven Point Mind Training of Tibetan Buddhism Retreat, widely taught in all schools of Tibetan Buddhism, stems from the teachings of the 11th-century Indian Buddhist scholar and contemplative Atisha and was first written down by the 12th-century Tibetan monk Chekawa. This training summarizes the Bodhisattva way of life by integrating theories and practices for the cultivation of ultimate and relative bodhichitta, or the mind of awakening. Beginning with a careful investigation of the nature of the mind and its relation to nature as a whole – resulting in a realization of emptiness and dependent origination – this training leads one to the experience of profound compassion and the transformation of all experiences into means of furthering one's spiritual growth. This retreat is available by streaming video, as well as DVD. The retreat was recorded March 21-28, 2010 at the Santa Barbara Mission.
Out of stockMeditation Retreat on Shamatha in the Dzogchen Tradition In his mind treasure, The Sharp Vajra of Conscious Awareness Tantra, the 19th-century Dzogchen master Dudjom Lingpa clearly explains four quintessential practices that are each indispensable on the Great Perfection path to enlightenment. They are: meditative quiescence (shamatha), contemplative insight (vipashyana), the breakthrough (tekchö), and the direct crossing-over (tögal). In this retreat Alan Wallace gives a detailed explanation of the opening section of this text (including Dudjom Lingpa's own commentary), together with guided meditations, focusing on the shamatha practice of “taking the mind as the path.” This is the most emphasized shamatha practice in the Dzogchen tradition as a whole, and it provides a profound and insightful means to explore the mind and eventually dissolve it into its relative ground-state, the substrate consciousness. This is a necessary foundation for the practice for the practice of vipashyana and the authentic Dzogchen meditation. This week long retreat was held in November 6-13, 2011 at the Old Mission Renewal Center in Santa Barbara, CA The nine disc DVD set chronicles the seven- day retreat consisting of lectures, guided meditations and discussions.
The 19th-century classic Dzogchen treatise, The Vajra Essence, by the eminent master Düdjom Lingpa concludes with a concise lucid account of the Six Bardos, namely the Bardos of Living, Dreaming, Meditative Stabilization, Dying, Reality itself, and Becoming. The teachings on these Bardos show how each of these transitional phases of cyclic existence can provide a platform for achieving enlightenment, particularly by way of the practices of shamatha, vipashyana, and Dzogchen. Lama Alan Wallace offers an explanation of Düdjom Lingpa's teachings, with guided meditations for putting them into practice. This seven-day retreat was recorded March 2011, at the Old Mission in Santa Barbara, CA The retreat is available via streaming video, streaming or downloadable audio recordings or DVD.
With the many demands on our time in today's world, it is all to easy to continue our spiritual practice to brief periods of meditation each day, supplemented by occasional teachings and retreats. But is is diffiicult for such intermittent dedication to Dharma, interrupted by long periods of mundane activities and concerns, to bring about deep and lasting transformation in our minds and way of life. In his classic text "Transforming Felicity and Adversity into the Spiritual Path" the 19th century Dzogchen master Dodrupchen Tenpey Nyima provides practical instruction for transmuting all of life's ups and downs into nourishment on the path to enlightenment. During this retreat, Alan Wallace offers an explanation of his teachings, together with guided meditations for putting them into practice. The four-disc DVD set chronicles the weekend retreat held on January7-9, 2011 at Santa Barbara's historical Old Mission.
Out of stockThe Heart Sutra is perhaps the most popular text in the Buddhist world. Known both for its profundity and brevity, this work quickly made its way from India to China, Japan, Korea and Tibet. It is recited daily in an array of languages around the world. The principle theme of the Heart Sutra is "sunyata" or emptiness. This retreat, led by Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi, focuses on the study and practices that emerge from this profound discourse on sunyata delivered by the Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara to Venerable Shariputra at Vulture Peak. What insights rise from this text? How can this text help us to transform our minds and hearts, recognize our potential for enlightenment, and help us liberate ourselves from samsara? In this retreat, goddess Prajnaparamita beckons us to engage on these reflections. The four-disc DVD set chronicales the weekend retreat held in September 2010 at Santa Barbara's historical Old Mission. The Venerable Tenzin Priyadarshi is the founding director of The Dalai Lama Center for Ethics and Transformative Values at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He has a graduate degree in Comparative Philosophy of Religion from Harvard University and is an Integral Honors Scholar in Philosophy and Science. At the age of ten, he entered a Buddhist Monastery in Rajgir and was subsequently ordained by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, who is his spiritual Mentor. Venerable Tenzin lectures internationally and is also President of The Prajnopaya Foundation, a worldwide humanitarian organization. For more information on him and his work, vist www.iMonk.org.
In this meditation seminar, Alan Wallace teaches a sequence of meditations for cultivation of the "Four Immeasurables," namely loving-kindness, compassion, empathetic joy, and impartiality. These are followed by the teachings and practice of Buddhist Mind-Training, or "Lojong." While many teachings on Buddhist meditation fill us with a longing to spend more time in quiet, solitary meditation, these practies bring us back to life, to the active world of living with others. The optimal situation to apply these teachings on cultivating a good heart is active life, socially engaged with other people at home and about town, moving away from habitual self-centeredness to greater empathy and loving concern for the welfare for those around us. Regardless of whether we hold to any religious beliefs, these practices can be of benefit to everyone seeking to explore their own capacity to experience unconditional love and compassion. Recorded in November 2009 at the historic Santa Barbara Mission. Please select from the DVD video, MP3 CD disc, or the download audio files
In this weekend retreat held in Santa Barbara, California, B. Alan Wallace, Ph.D. explores methods of cultivating genuine happiness. The retreat consists of meditation, lecture, and discussion periods focusing on the themes found in Wallace's book "Genuine Happiness." These include methods for cultivating attentional stability and vividness, contemplative insight, and the Four Immeasurables of loving kindness, equanimity, compassion and sympathetic joy. The teachings are designed to help us integrate practice into our everyday life in the world through mind training. The downloadable MP3 audio files, and the four-disc DVD video set, chronicles the weekend retreat "The Cultivation of Genuine Happiness Meditation as the Path to Fulfillment" held at Santa Barbara's historical Old Mission July 24-26, 2009.
Please select either the DVD video collection, or the download MP3 audio files and PDF.
This retreat provides an overview of the central themes of the 42-hour training program called "Cultivating Emotional Balance" devised by the eminent psychologist Paul Ekman, Ph.D. and B. Alan Wallace, Ph.D. at the request of HH the Dalai Lama. Focusing on both theory and practice, Alan Wallace explains four aspects of mental balance: conative, attentional, cognitive, and emotional. Conative balance has to do with cultivating meaningful desires and aspirations that truly contribute to one's own and others' wellbeing. Attentional balance focuses on overcoming attention deficit and hyperactivity, replacing these imbalances with a sense of inner calm, centeredness, and clarity. Cognitive balance is achieved through the cultivation of mindfulness so that we can experience the world without cognitive distortions. Finally, emotional balance maybe achieved through enhancing the positive emotions of loving kindness, compassion, empathetic joy and equanimity while bringing afflictive emotional states under control through understanding and meditation. The weekend included guided meditations, lectures and open discussion. This audio stream/download via Dropbox (no account is needed), chronicles the weekend retreat held in Santa Barba's historical Old Mission from Feb 3rd-5th, 2012. Available on DVD, or Audio Stream/download. Select the type of media that you want. The DVD will be shipped via the US Postal Service. The audio files will be downloadable - you will receive an email with details.
Mindfulness and Introspection in Daily Life A weekend retreat held June 24-26, 2011 in Santa Barbara, California In this retreat, B. Alan Wallace expands on Shantideva's classic text A Guide to the Bodhisattva Way of Life (The Bodhicaryavatara). In particular, Dr. Wallace discusses chapter five entitled Guarding Introspection in which Shantideva advises practioners to maintain a state of vigilant introspection and examine one's thoughts, words and deeds in daily life. The DVD set chronicles the weekend retreat held at Santa Barbara's historic Old Mission.
Jesus counseled his followers to be perfect as their Father in heaven is perfect, and for centuries, mystical union with God (understood as perfect love and omniscient wisdom) was the ideal of Christian contemplatives. Buddha counseled his followers to realize perfect freedom from suffering by irreversibly dispelling all the afflictions and obscuration of the mind. The ideals of personal liberation and perfect enlightenment have been pursued by Buddhist contemplatives over the past 2,500 years. While these two contemplative traditions appear to have had little contact throughout their long histories, they did exhibit remarkable parallels as well as differences. Ideals of perfection and the means to realize it will be explored in this lecture, with the hope that the vitality of both the Christian and Buddhist contemplative traditions may be revitalized in the modern era, which could so deeply benefit from their insights and wisdom. This DVD was recorded in April 12, 2008 at the Unity Church in Santa Barbara, California.
In today's world, religion is strongly tied to faith, whereas science is thought to be ruled by experience and reason, and when the two are viewed in this way, they appear to be largely incompatible with each other, or at least mutually irrelevant. Although there is some truth in this simplistic distinction, it overlooks the fact that religious people have experiences that do not easily lend themselves to scientific inquiry, and scientific thinking throughout the ages has always been strongly influenced by metaphysical beliefs and assumptions. In this lecture, Alan Wallace discusses different types of experience and the role of reason and faith in scientific and contemplative inquiry, and he proposes ways in which these two disciplines may complement each other to the mutual enhancement of both. Recorded on September 17, 2008. Program Length: 1hr 55min
In this two-part video, B. Alan Wallace covers both "Ethics for the 21st Century" and "The Nature of Mind" as background for His Holiness Dalai Lama's teaching on the same subjects at University of California, Santa Barbara. B. Alan Wallace also provides an overview of the relevance of Buddhism to the modern Western culture, historically undergirded by the often problematic precepts and assumptions of scientific materialism. Recorded in April 2009 at the Old Mission in Santa Barbara, California.